Access Diploma in Nursing & Midwifery

Course categoryNursing & Childcare

By completing an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Nursing) and a subsequent nursing degree, you will open yourself up to an array of career prospects. With nurses being required to facilitate treatments in almost every health service, there is almost no end to the type of nurse you can become. If you’re passionate about caring for children, working with the elderly or helping people requiring emergency care, you can find a specialism to suit your interest.  Just some of the many nursing roles you can pursue are:

  • Paediatric Nurse
  • Neonatal Nurse
  • Adult Nurse
  • Geriatric Nurse
  • Nursing Home Nurse
  • Community Nurse
  • Theatre Nurse
  • ICU Nurse
  • Critical Care Nurse
  • Cardiology Nurse
  • Respiratory Nurse
  • Mental Health Nurse
  • Special Educational Needs Disability Nurse
Teacher: Andy McMohan